Around £350 (depending on the group) is all it costs to fully fund an actor in training for one term (thirteen, eight to nine hour days) at RAaW Training. They will gain a vast range of skills including experience with The Stevens Technique, theatre acting, film technique, comedy, stage combat and vocal control. You can choose to support a particular diverse demographic including age, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation that fits with your beliefs and values.
You can also opt to pay a half scholarship of £175 where the student only pays for half of the fees for a term of training. You can still decide who you support and they are given the same opportunities as the rest of the students.
To increase accessibility, we work to maintain low prices for students at RAaW, however this doesn’t mean it’s accessible to all. While we have previously offered scholarships to students we believe in, this has a substantial impact on the resources we provide and coaches we can hire.