


Film production and film acting is at the heart of RAaW! Our theatre is mostly multi-media, we produce short films, vlogs, training video’s, music videos and documentaries every year and a considerable amount of time on the course is spent on acting for the camera. We stand by our commitment of producing showreels that look and sound like broadcast quality film and TV shot by professionals working in the industry. The pre-production for our films is rigorous and intense but rewarding for the actor.

The writing tutor – Victoria Howell, who often sits on the board of Raindance and has co-written many plays, musicals and films with Robbi Stevens – is there to help actors with the writing challenge, alongside Robbi. The scripts are tried and tested as part of film acting classes in front of a camera for weeks before shooting.

Producing a showreel is imperative for actors to be represented by RAaW Management. Without it we cannot platform or help launch the actor’s career.

Many of our alumni have developed the film producing muscle whilst at RAaW and have gone on to write, produce and act in their own films.